Thursday 18 November 2010

111810 :)

Today had a date with him at Sunway and Pacific LOL. Heading to sunway first to watch the beloved one, Harry Potter!I'm deeply addicted in this story or novel or movie or whatever shit since I'm in primary school. So I make my possible and watch it as quick as I can Hehh! Ok, it's extremely awesome! Ron and Malfoy still the passion one! Hahh! Afterwards were leaving to pacific for watching Takers. The AJ that strongly recommended by Suchee is really handsome, can't denied. But honestly, I don't know this movie was nice or not. Because half of the time I was taken to sleep! *(What I've to say is, the movie is not stuffy. But I'm sleepy.LOL) Just gotta have a short lovely post. Lastly, Thanks my driver hehh!
I'm fair when I sit beside him, pretty nice huh! Hahh!
He's my driver, only! Hehh!
Just black and white Hahh!
#Disturbance take one LOL
# Disturbance take two *( If you done it again, then you're finish!)
Take with his glasses that gift by me ! Hahh!
He's wearing mine! LOL
Lovely lovely!

Have fun! Bye XOXO

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