Monday 24 October 2011

Current life.

Hi readers. Updating of blog again. It's Monday, and also a holiday, officially. Went to sing K with wanyin last night. Kinda HIGH! We were craving for singing. Haha and finally we did it. *Why am I describe like it is a mission impossible?* Ok whatever. Anyway, we just had a good time.  You can listen to some songs that I'd sang last night. *not nice, unless anyone buy me a AUTO TUNE.* Click the link to listen it haha. (That should be me) (A moment like this)
#Sorry that I can't download it.

Today, which is 24th October. I went to Queensbay with Auntie. Shopped around there randomly and bumped into ARRWEN. Woah, how unlucky was me.

Good Night people! XO.

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