Saturday, 30 October 2010

edit的;美嗎 *講美!

這一篇我決定用華語 因為我現在真的很傷心 很傷心 :(
我不想要用華麗的文字 因為我很懶惰想 我真的很懶 也很傷心
吵吵鬧鬧是難免的 可是我每次都會半夜三更自己傷心 然後自己哭
隔天又假裝沒有事的 我希望他每天都開開心心 因為他時日不多
*他不是要死了 (打嘴巴) 他只是要畢業了 :(
下星期三 他就要結束他的中學生涯樂 然後他還有一個非常恐怖的考試叫做 SPM 接著下來 他還有更恐怖的東西 叫做 NS
* 我突然覺得他的人生很恐怖 XD
所以 我要守寡 很久很久 *他真的不是去死 SLAPSLAP
如果看到帥哥我怕我會情不自禁嘞 *因為比他帥的人很多嗎 XD
在這個半年裏面 我很謝謝他 一直忍耐我 *沒有辦法 誰叫我是千金大小姐 HAHA!
我知道 我很野蠻 又很任性 超愛花錢 脾氣超爛 很喜歡罵他*來月經的時候更不用講 所以他是非常的可憐 好像阿四一直被我欺負 其實不是我想要的喇*
可是你們不用同情他 XD
哎呀 總而言之 就是要謝謝他喇 *講這樣多廢話做么我也不知道
Okay, 我跟你講CKK 你不要自己暗爽 我只是要謝謝你 哈哈 !
因為你自己的脾氣也不好 :P oppps, 對了 我還有一個壞處 就是喜歡 誣賴別人 怎樣? XD
不過我也是有很多好處的好不好 人是沒有十全十美的
我的臉至少還可以見得光 擋到暗咯 應該是你前世燒很多香 XD
如果我再寫下去 我怕他會飛了咯 叫不回來就慘 :P
打完樂 我心情沒有變好 因為我知道他在生氣我 *他很媽的小氣! ==
*還有很膽小 ! 我就是要靠爆料來發洩 XD
Okay, 我真的要lastly樂 你快點去學駕車喇 你知道我這多花謝很多次了嗎 ! 不能頂罷了
晚安喇大家 ♥


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Birthday ♥

Hellow, today is 10/26, someone special's birthday :)
She's RaymondLam batty raving fans. I gift her a present with my creativity and in pace with all Raymond's face :P
Okay, happy birthday to YOU ;D
It's your big day and just rock it !
Short post, bye :D

Monday, 25 October 2010


I laugh like a insane-girl. Whatever shit :D
I always in the insomnia mode since the ending of the PMR. I wonder isn't it is a fabulous matter for me. In pace with the termination of the spacious exam, the other monster-pimples companion with me so closely.And, I'm so lack of time for sleeping because I'm addicted with the computer. It's duality trouble for me. Wth. Okay. I'm gotta bed to fuck those pimples off. Good night readers :)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

random :)

As my title. Just a random post. How stuffy I'm!
Kay, I'm always wish that in the future, I'll have a fabulous job. And, I can buy anything I demand :)
LV, GUCCI, CHANEL is the most goal to kick it.
GUCCI, establish by craftsman’s son Guccio Gucci. Guccio Gucci created many of his classics early during the 1950’s products such as luggage, ties, shoes, and the famous handbags sporting the bamboo handle.

LV, Louis Vuitton first started in Paris, in the year of 1854. The name Louis Vuitton is now a synonym for high quality fashion, mostly known for the handbags.

Chanel, Coco Chanel was born in 1883 and first established the House of Chanel in 1909 when she opened the first millinery shop, called Chanel Modes, in Paris. Ever popular with the rich and sophisticated Marilyn Monroe was famously said: “What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course.”

Random post, bye :)

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Updated ;)

I know I'm late but it's the time to say goodbye to PMR. I clear all the things of it and recycle it just now. How gay I feel ! ;D I'm starting my holiday myself but as a good student, I'll attend to school next monday! To who is missing me. Hahh!
Wednesday, I was going to auto city and having dinner with TangWanYin @ WinterWarmer :)We bought a ribbon for ourselves. This was my first activity on my holiday! So photo time ;D
I look so dark like a .. Malay? LOL
Then, have a date with RaymondLam @ Queensbay on friday :)
Meet SiewYee and Alvin. Still, HuiTing. The one who called me to wear donald duck but I didnt *heeee ;D
Me and Alvin very busy to find a place for capture down all the action of Raymond! But seem not so success :P
After that, I go to the second floor then I can snap HIM very clearly. I'm so high spirit!
And, TehJiaWen you put me an aeroplane, watch out! Hahh! I want you acc me to Queensbay for thousand times after your monster exam! C:
Then, show time.

Off, bye & good night. ♥

Pee/s :More for Raymond, view my facebook!/album.php?aid=44141&id=100000502587287